Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This is the second snow day I have been able to enjoy...little work and lots of family. It's been great! Yesterday I was with my parents and thinking I would have to work today, I stupidly attempted to travel the 45 miles or so to my house. Didn't happen. I made 30 of those miles and hunkered down at my sister's house where I have been playing with my nephew and eating yummy food.

 Days like today leave me feeling grateful for a home to live in, heat that works, and food to eat. I have been thinking and praying for those without those three necessities. My boss has already informed me that tomorrow we are all expected to be at work so this is my last day to enjoy all the laying around. :) But, I am grateful for employment so off I will go whistling a happy tune while I slip and slide my way into the office tomorrow.

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