Sunday, July 3, 2011

To Be Who We Are Supposed To Be

Wow, it has been a long time since I last wrote. My computer caught a virus and it's taken me this long to get it fixed. I procrastinate things I don't understand and something I don't understand well is computers. :)

The lesson in Relief Society today was amazing. It was based on a talk of Elder Maxwell's that discusses foreordination. The point the teacher was making was that there is a role that we have been foreordained to do. Our job is not to look at other's roles and be envious or to try and be something we are not, but rather, to be the best version of who Heavenly Father wants us to be. As we do, HE will plug us into the roles that are best for us. This hit me hard because I have been suffering a little from the green monster - envy. This last week, I was feeling like other people were just so much more advantaged than me in a number of areas - money, marriage, looks, opportunities, etc. As a way to shake it, I have been counting my blessings. The lesson learned through this experience is that I don't know that I will be my version of perfection because what I see is not the full picture. What I pray for is that I can become who Heavenly Father needs me to be. And only at the end of this existence will I see the full tapestry, as President Monson would say. So, in the meantime, I will take step after step, confident in my faith and counting my blessings, like health, family, and wildflowers.

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